An owl visited me and a few weeks later my mom died. I wrote to her in my journal and a man approached me and offered to read me a Rumi poem about being at peace with death. I spoke to my therapist about trusting my gut and taking more chances, and a hawk landed right in front of me on the walk home. Look up moments that feel extraordinary. The universe is in constant communication with us if we listen to it.
Aug 9, 2024

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I do this in a blank google doc. I light a candle, set a 1 hour timer, turn on ambient music, lean back in my chair and let my fingers fly. I've been trying this without a topic in mind, just letting my fingers go and writing whatever comes up. It's like a meditation combined with journaling, but without the anxiety of examining what you write as you're writing it. Try to go for a full hour and see what you discover. I suppose a caveat is being good at typing, but I have the hours spent typing on AIM in middle school to thank for that.
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This also works with suggesting to do a nice favor for someone 'offer to give their cast iron a nice scrub!' He knows I will never do this which makes the joke more fun to play very sincere.
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Aug 9, 2024