I lived in Massachusetts for 28 years until 1 year ago today when I moved to NYC. I was feeling stagnant and afraid that Iā€™d be there forever if I didnā€™t make a change. I am happy to say it was one of the best decisions Iā€˜ve made. I donā€™t know if Iā€™ll be here forever but Iā€˜ve learned more about myself in 1 year than the last 5 and thatā€™s something Iā€™ll always be thankful for. Iā€™ve made new friends, reconnected with old, gotten a new job, moved apartments, and had an enumerable unforgettable memories. If you are feeling stuck where you have always been, I recommend making a change because it will be both one of the more challenging and rewarding decisions you make. p/c riotgrrrl
recommendation image
Aug 12, 2024

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we were out there looking good
Aug 12, 2024
Aug 12, 2024

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It was a big risk, but I was just laid off from a job I hated and had a fresh breakup on top of that. I had decent prospects as far as potential jobs go, but I wanted to stay in ā€œthe cityā€ and I felt like I hit a ceiling in San Francisco. Plus, Iā€™d lived there nearly my entire life. Thus, I had a suspicion that if I couldnā€™t be happy in New York City, then I wouldn't be happy anywhere. That was a little over six years ago now and Iā€™m the happiest Iā€™ve ever been. A LOT has happened here, and Iā€™ve dealt with a ton of grief, but man, I love it here. I have a great job, made some real friends and community, and am living outwardly as my truest self. Iā€™m sure I couldā€™ve had this in SF if I tried, and I know that this lifestyle will change inevitably, but I love living in a place with an energy that emanates throughout the city.
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Iā€™ve been here for so long the longest Iā€™ve ever lived anywhere and occasionally i feel like maybe itā€™s time to move on and then I go literally anywhere else in the country and Iā€™m so relieved to be back home!!!
Mar 3, 2024
Iā€™m from the midwest, moved to manhattan for college, stayed for a bit after, have recently moved to a few different cities, and have wished to be back living in new york ever since. Itā€™s often talked about like a thrilling dreamā€” itā€™s obviously not. But what I can say is that I think in many ways living there helped me grow into a person I really understand. I was listening to a podcast recently where this comedian brittany carney said something like living in new york slaps her in the face every day but she likes that about it so she stays. I think that was a pretty accurate way to describe it. It took me a while to feel comfortable living there, but I still remember the moment I realized that it had become my home, and ever since no home Iā€™ve made for myself has felt quite the same.
Feb 4, 2025

Top Recs from @buck_mcgraw

Its a web app that people submit 1 song per week and then everyone gets to vote on the all the different songs but their own. After all the rounds have been completed, the person with the most votes wins! Its a fun way to share music with people and get competitive. Been using this app with other online communities and friends for a few months and have really been enjoying it. NOTE: I created a PI.FYI League where the first submission is this friday. I limited it to 25 people for now not sure if I should open that up to more but it would be pretty overwhelming to have more than 25 songs to listen and vote on. The join link is attached to this rec!
Jun 10, 2024
riotgrrrl and I are planning on going to Jonathan Richman at the bell house 3/10 if anyone else is interested, drinks beforehand at Halyards. Hope people can make it out!
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