was taking out recycling at the same time as my downstairs neighbor and was like "BONJOUR HELLO I JUST MOVED IN MY NAME IS NICOLE" and she smiled and was like "oh! welcome! good luck with all of it!" on my road trip i saw an older man wearing a longhorns hat (out of tx) and walked up to him and said "i love your hat, sir. hook 'em!" and he seemed surprised that I was talking to him, but he GRINNED and said softly "well, thank you"
Aug 13, 2024

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love treating my shelves like an indie bookstore! the owner has fantastic taste and everything’s free
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very satisfying to prolong the life of things in a world where not very many things are made to last. just applied renovating cream to my blundstones. cleaning my car, sewing up holes or tears in clothing, trimming the wicks of candles, and using slip-on covers for old books fall into this category too
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