one big pet peeve of yours might be people recklessly doing whatever they want and ignoring their needs! even though you believe it to be annoying at times you recognize the importance in taking on responsibilities and you love structure especially within your home! please remember to set the intention of creating little spaces of tranquility for yourself wherever you go so you don’t burn out! there might be some pressure on you to know who you are and who you want to be but there can be a bit of an internal clash since what you want and need can be a bit polarizing at times! but taking the time to make a decision can add to your own strengths since when you really know what you want, who can deny it? especially when you are the type of person who will put in the work! i would suggest looking for people who are courageous and know what they want so you don’t have to carry that burden for others in your friendships and relationships!
Libra rising an en elite placement!!! Every libra rising I know has just something about them that is elegant and charming. Idk how else to explain it.
Every Capricorn moon that I know is ridiculously hard on themselves. Give yourself a freaking break.