This is a solid belief of mine. these last few months, Iā€™ve had owls filter in and out of my life in strange ways. It started a few months ago when my cousin told me she had a nightmare with an owl in it. A different friend, a month or two later, sent me a video of a barn owl she saw on a walk. two weeks ago, I saw an owl in person for the first time. I was on a walk with my dog, and it flapped by out of nowhere. i didnā€™t have my phone on me, and i didnā€™t plan on going in this specific direction on my walk. We stared at each other. Once I started going WHOOO WHOOO, the link broke and we went our separate ways. a few days later, was telling a friend about this synchronicity of owlz during a stoner walk near a creek. It was dark, and I decided to dip my toes in the water (as I am a mermaid for any body of water) as I was watching my step among the slick coldness of the water and the invisible pebbles in the dark, my friend let out a soft scream- gasp. above me, an owl had flown by. she said it ā€™had been too fat to have been anything elseā€™ and i fully believe her. Owls are interesting. They arenā€™t my primary bird of hyperfixation (big on eagles and crows in my universe) but I feel deeply connected to the universe and its movements, whenever these sorts of repetitions enter my life. I always read into it. I donā€™t care, I love making somethingā€™s out of someone elseā€™s nothings.
Aug 17, 2024

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when i was younger, i was really into the percy jackson books and fancied myself as a daughter of athena so naturally gravitated towards owls. but then i saw a grey-ish eagle owl one night and i was so in awe. because my god, what beautiful and majestic creatures! fun fact šŸ¤“: they donā€™t actually have eyeballs so the canā€™t move their eyes the way we do hence the ability to move their necks about 270 degrees and also look how cute!!!!
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I was celibi-cied for like 3 years after my situationship became an ā€˜omfg-you-are-a-serial-cheater-on-your-girlfriend-of-four-years!ā€™ Hella afraid of love, intimacy and everything. over the past few months, Iā€™ve been casual dating for no other means than finding out what I like and donā€™t like. Iā€™ve had good and bad sex, been given flowers on the first date and then ghosted, moved to the UK and had my first proper one night stand (every other one was too drunken to remember lol) and am currently on my first bae-cation with a man I am slowly falling in love with. I promise you, dating for fun rather than for long-term involvement is so much more enriching than you think. As youā€™re floating around, you learn to decenter men and tolerate their mansplaining a lot less. You find out that no, you do not want to make a sex tape on the first date, and then youā€™ll slowly trickle in the good stuff. Kind men who just listen to you, and are a little different than the other men youā€™ve seen. Youā€˜ll learn to love being treated kindly, and cherish that above all else story-watching-liking-no game bs. Itā€™s sounds sooo irritating to say shit like phhh donā€™t look for it, itā€™ll come for you!! But girl as annoying as it isā€¦ that is the truth of the matter. I donā€™t know if this guy is my finish line, but I did just orgasm like 8 times šŸ™šŸ¾ I met on hinge, and lowkey ghosted him intially. give the guy in your dms a chance for real ā€¦. Wishing you and your future lover all the bestā€¦. p.s copying the other user by attaching a relevant song šŸ˜›
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