it might seem small and extremely basic, but taking proper care of yourself after a period of time neglecting your needs feels soooo good. like wow - the things designed to make me feel better actually work when i practice them regularly? strange... weird....
Aug 18, 2024

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It’s kind of annoying that the self care that I want: giving myself grace, taking off from work, and spending time relaxing on the couch, doesn’t make me feel less anxious and overwhelmed? But somehow a 7am shower and list of to-dos does? Absolutely infuriating knowing that all of the face masks, bath bombs, and “healthy” snacks mean nothing in the face of my brain panic; But tossing my entire bones and skin sack into the shower, even though the process makes me feel like a sad wet cat, does more for my brain chemistry after the fact than any of those things ever could. It’s very annoying that self care means taking care of your self’s most basic needs, not engaging in a little treat.
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Gives you a little more clarity and makes self-improvement less daunting. These sensations, tactile or mental, lets you pay attention to your body, your needs, and meeting such needs. It's a specific action that encourages you to be kinder and gentler to yourself, to take your time. You can do this in baby steps-- smell the fresh, warm laundry and recognize the care you put in to give yourself something nice and clean to wear, hug a friend a little tighter and longer after a really nice day together, write down a song lyric that speaks to you and explain why it does, cry a little louder when you're especially sad.. don't deny yourself emotion! Feeling all of these minute details of your everyday life will remind you of your core values and guide you to what activities and other things you can invest yourself in to make your life more than it was before.
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u are of no service to anyone if u are not taking care of yourself. one thing i've found helpful in cultivating a self care practice is acknowledging the fact that working on yourself is for the betterment of all those around u - if u are feeling relaxed and well taken care of, those around u pick up on that, if u are feeling overwhelmed and stressed, those around u will pick up on that too. the tendency to beat yourself up for needing time to rest has been wired into us, we fear what might happen to us if we are not productive. we are not meant to work and be productive all the time for when we are we are missing the very core of being human. and when i talk about self care i'm not taking about the kind you see branded all over social media, i'm talking about sitting in silence for a while, make a cup of tea and sitting with it, going for a little walk. it doesn't have to be some big thing, ten minutes a day is plenty to form a habit. whenever you feel down about taking time for yourself just remember that this time helps u to be a light for those around u.
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