it's just so cool and fun and awesome and creative and unique. i love all the small details, i feel like i always see something new when i look at it. when i went to their concert, i got the physical copy (includes cd). the packaging looks and feels just like an xbox game!!! rated e for edgy 🤪
Aug 21, 2024

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such an amazing performance. its aggressively electronic but still so expressive
Jan 22, 2024
This is def on the surreal side, as there's no words or speaking. Just music, and cinemetography. It's by Daft Punk but it's not their music. It's basically designed after their Human After All album. It was made in 2007 but now in 2024 I find it even more profound!!! but this is deffff on the indie/thought provoking/lowkey side and not for everyone. i have it on dvd but it shows up on youtube a lot! xx here's a great write up on it from 2007 too!:
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i just saw this tweet and oh goodness. my heart hurts for the op, and the message is just so... spot on? energy that's unreciprocated seriously hurts so bad. when your whimsy isn't appreciated, when the simple joys you partake in are crushed by anyone, especially a partner..... oh no honey RUN. a relationship like this is so unfulfilling, you deserve a person who's all in on you finding childlike wonder in the littlest, most mundane things. for the dreamers, the idealistic, such as myself - don't let anyone dull your sparkle like this. that's all <3 queuing hit me where it hurts by caroline polachek as we speak
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happy to announce to my loyal 18 followers that i am returning to this app. i don't know why, i just kind of fell off. there have been collabs with some musicians/public figures that have interested me since the last i posted, and i'm just missing this app. so hi :)
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