Every time I do this I momentarily transform into a cool single older woman with grey frizzy hair and a shawl who probably plays the harpsichord and owns a parakeet
embrace your inner 9-year-old girl playing witch. put some mud and leaves and flower petals and stuff you steal from the pantry in a big old pot and stir it around with a stick. sing a spell of your own made-up language over it. voila…..magic potion
i’m always singing praises of herbal teas irl so i feel like this is fitting. if you have a malady or concern, i probably have an herb for that. my cottage is on the outskirts of the village but its worth the trip. bring your lute and we can sing songs together in my garden :)
using but a simple transmutation or transmogification spell, you can cause any flora to sprout blossoms of any hue!!!! Much recommended for coven meetings in ones own tower
Gazpacho only in the late summer, persimmons only in the winter, etc. just because we can import anything from anywhere anytime doesn’t mean we should. Nothing is special if you can have it whenever you want it.