NRG by Duck Sauce will forever be the song I heard going over a bridge, heading to the beach, feeling so happy and alive
Aug 22, 2024

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this year was filled with a lot of making it up as i went along and reminding myself that i do, in fact, have plenty of time. i was figuring out where, who, or what felt right and what to do and how to do it etc, etc, and this song was just a calming anthem to return to. i also have fond memories of listening to it (maybe a little too much) during the summer, and i really miss those sweaty firefly filled nights. this was one of the first summers i’ve ever missed; i usually despise the heat. so, i feel like that stands for something.
Dec 30, 2024
be it a different song reminding you of its melody, something someone says reminding u of its lyrics, or out of the blue being all "wait what was that song i used to love?", the moment of finally recalling the song is an orgasm in miniature. & the longer it takes u to find, the more painful the search feels, but the sweeter the discovery is! i was trying to think of an example just now and again couldn't remember the name of the band that i was searching for for 3 whole months this past year. but now after looking for 20 minutes i'm listening to Breast Stroke by Flaming Tunes and its so much sweeter than it would have been otherwise :)
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