lady gaga and bruno mars reallllllllllly worked it in the studio for this one..... their voices go together so naturally and effortlessly. they have amazing chemistry!! check out the music video too while you're at it! sosososososo good
Aug 23, 2024

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love their voices together <3
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18 minute song full of disco decadence and powerhouse vocals literally what is there not to like!! a mashup of 3 of her songs that flow into each other beautifully and create SUCH an experience. they put crack in this song or something i cant get enough of it!! especially when it gets to the halfway point at like 8:49
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i just saw this tweet and oh goodness. my heart hurts for the op, and the message is just so... spot on? energy that's unreciprocated seriously hurts so bad. when your whimsy isn't appreciated, when the simple joys you partake in are crushed by anyone, especially a partner..... oh no honey RUN. a relationship like this is so unfulfilling, you deserve a person who's all in on you finding childlike wonder in the littlest, most mundane things. for the dreamers, the idealistic, such as myself - don't let anyone dull your sparkle like this. that's all <3 queuing hit me where it hurts by caroline polachek as we speak
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happy to announce to my loyal 18 followers that i am returning to this app. i don't know why, i just kind of fell off. there have been collabs with some musicians/public figures that have interested me since the last i posted, and i'm just missing this app. so hi :)
Dec 18, 2024