just went on a first date for the first time in a while and it was so fun n sweet to just get to know each other without the usual expectation of a kiss/hook up at the end. i really think this expectation is tied to our craving for instant gratification. like we (ideally) have this really awesome date with someone and it’s someone new and shiny and appealing so of course it makes sense to go for a kiss. and kissing is so fun! i love it! and in some situations, it feels right to kiss on the first date – listen to your heart! but i just think we should try to take our time more with these things and aim for the delayed gratification that is made to feel so out of reach under capitalism. capitalism tries to convince us that we don’t have enough time and so, we think everything good has to happen so quick and in the heat of the moment, but there is so much time and good things take time and you deserve good things! also the more time you spend getting to know someone, the more life they‘ll get to experience, and the more stories they’ll have to tell you – we tell ourselves stories in order to live and to love <3 ok philosophical tangent over, but i just have one more non-philosophical thing to say: what ever happened to ”going steady” ? let’s bring that back to 21st century dating culture!
Sep 7, 2024

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i don’t know you so take this with a grain of salt if it doesn’t apply to you. i’ve also never had a long-term romantic relationship so maybe i’m not the best person to listen to anyway. BUT i do have a beautiful community of long-lasting friendships which i believe has given me the skills to be successful in a future romantic partnership i guess my point is it might be helpful to focus on developing friendships and community first. who knows, a date might come out of it too! but i’ve gone on dates with people who don’t have many friends before and it’s turned out to be a red flag cuz they haven't had experience with relationships in general also, i've noticed the times i've most wanted to be in a relationship are times when i haven’t connected with my friends in awhile. desire for romance can be a signal for general human connection sometimes. so having a good community might fulfill some of the needs you’re feeling too. but i know it’s a different thing than being head over heels for someone… all depends on what we’re looking for i guess all the advice on this thread is great for both dating and making friends though! i hope you find lots of meaningful connections of all kinds in the process ✨
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