Each has varying degrees of transit mobility and work in different ways. All are on the cheaper end for major cities—though depends on your idea of cheap. I’ve lived in philly and minneapolis without a car. Philly’s trains and trolleys get you most places you’d want to go if you live near a stop. There’s also a bus system that’s a little frustrating bc of traffic but the routes are pretty comprehensive. Some bike lanes but the drivers there aren’t super safe to bike around. Minneapolis is more spread out and there are two light-rail lines (i think? maybe there are more? I’ve been here for like a month), and it seems like most people i know who aren’t driving take the buses. There’s also an incredible amount of bike lanes and trails. Downside is winter probably. And i haven’t lived in baltimore but i’ve heard good things! It’s also more affordable than most cities and i can’t attest to the quality of the public transit but i know it’s there.