ive been in long island for about 9 months now (wow... it suddenly feels so real after typing it out). i’ve always had a lingering fear that i may no longer identify as someone who lives in the city. every time i mention to someone i meet that i used to live in brooklyn, it feels like it takes away a part of me that once lived in the city. its a strange, transformative feeling. for now, here’s a picture i took during a walk near my home.
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Sep 8, 2024

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I’m from the midwest, moved to manhattan for college, stayed for a bit after, have recently moved to a few different cities, and have wished to be back living in new york ever since. It’s often talked about like a thrilling dream— it’s obviously not. But what I can say is that I think in many ways living there helped me grow into a person I really understand. I was listening to a podcast recently where this comedian brittany carney said something like living in new york slaps her in the face every day but she likes that about it so she stays. I think that was a pretty accurate way to describe it. It took me a while to feel comfortable living there, but I still remember the moment I realized that it had become my home, and ever since no home I’ve made for myself has felt quite the same.
Feb 4, 2025
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I lived in Massachusetts for 28 years until 1 year ago today when I moved to NYC. I was feeling stagnant and afraid that I’d be there forever if I didn’t make a change. I am happy to say it was one of the best decisions I‘ve made. I don’t know if I’ll be here forever but I‘ve learned more about myself in 1 year than the last 5 and that’s something I’ll always be thankful for. I’ve made new friends, reconnected with old, gotten a new job, moved apartments, and had an enumerable unforgettable memories. If you are feeling stuck where you have always been, I recommend making a change because it will be both one of the more challenging and rewarding decisions you make. p/c riotgrrrl
Aug 12, 2024
I’ve been here for so long the longest I’ve ever lived anywhere and occasionally i feel like maybe it’s time to move on and then I go literally anywhere else in the country and I’m so relieved to be back home!!!
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