I like the make a sauce to go over it that includes something spicy (siracha, chili oil, or gochujang), soy sauce, some sort of vinegar and some sweetness (mirin, honey or sugar)
stir fry (high heat, fast, constant stirring) some onions carrots and literally any other veg add some soy souse + vinegar and have them over a bowl of rice/noodles/etc. low effort, takes 15 mins, delicious. you can add any protein as well
make stir fry with veggies and eggs. My go to meal, if your vegan drop the eggs. if you don't have a stove (this is more of a snack) cut up cucumbers and soak them in balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and a little bit of sesame oil. sooooooo good. you can combine it with rice too
The internet is making my brain rot!!!
Lately, I've been very mindful of my purchases and how I can minimize my consumptions as an individual.
I like my wired headphones. I like the running shoes I've had for years. And I love my 2004 Honda CRV. Learning to be happy with the things I have.