shameless self promo, but i truly do recommend. i bring in artists every friday and they do a little set and there’s a fun interview after. my buddy truman is coming on tmr and he makes my favorite music ever. 3p pst/6p est
please listen to my college radio station. we have a beautiful app and website. i am playing teenage fanclub to ten people rn and it feels great. tune in at 2p pacific on thursdays for mosh pit princess w dj peaches 🍑
i’ve done this platonically and romantically recently. and both seem to be working out. i love talking on the phone. we should all talk on the phone more often
i haven’t done this yet, but my dear friend meredith has been testing it out. it’s working for her. i’m always going on and on about how badly i want a pen pal, so i’ll approach someone with this soon and report back