shameless self promo, but i truly do recommend. i bring in artists every friday and they do a little set and there’s a fun interview after. my buddy truman is coming on tmr and he makes my favorite music ever. 3p pst/6p est
listen to my show, thursdays from 2:30-4am (est)! if you’re in the boston area, tune in to 95.3 fm, otherwise check out the link! the one rule is no playing artists with over 100k monthly listeners (so i’m always taking recs)
I feel like all music nerds join their college radio station because their friends no longer want to hear them rave about some underground artist who hasn't made music since 2011...
I'm one of those music nerds.
Listen to particollective every Wednesday from 7-8pm PST
- davyn
i’ve done this platonically and romantically recently. and both seem to be working out. i love talking on the phone. we should all talk on the phone more often
i haven’t done this yet, but my dear friend meredith has been testing it out. it’s working for her. i’m always going on and on about how badly i want a pen pal, so i’ll approach someone with this soon and report back