according to my older sister i give really good advice, RAW advice (her words not mine), i suppose it mostly has to do with my blatant honesty and incapability of lying
i grew up as the youngest person in my family so i really didn’t feel the joy of responsibility and/or helping someone through something i’d experienced until i started having friends 1-2 years younger than me god i’m so good at giving advice
there have been several friends in my life who are older than me and have become like the older sister i’ve always wanted - such a special relationship not quite a mentor but still someone who can give you advice
during my more naïve years i restrained myself many times in conversations with people but now that i’m older i’ve come to not give a shit about many things and go on quite garrulously about things i love and care about! at the end of the day the people that care for you will simply listen and nod despite not having a clue what the fuck you’re talking about