american perspective: i think the coastal surfing vibes in some parts of the country remind me of cali, but the rural outback parts remind me more of the american south. the accent feels to me like someone took an English accent and "twang-ed" it, so that also reminds me of the american south.
also my brain divides australian accents into the only reference points i have for them: the milder/subtler Mike's Mic/Troye Sivan accent, the "NAUUUR CLEO" H20: Just Add Water accent, & the really stereotypical, flattened vowels-sounding accent in nature documentaries that's like "HERE WE SEE THE WALLABY IN ITS NATURAL HABITAT." i wish i knew what the actual regional differences were with those accents/why they sound so different from each other, but the U.S. is divided into a bunch of regional accents too, so ig it's similar.
also lots of ppl refer to Florida as the Australia of america, since FL has some crazy wildlife as well.