Okay, first thing is first: yes this shit is INSANE and very very scary, but I assure you what you have seen and heard on the news is a lot worse than what it actually feels like to be here right now. I, too, am terrified. But if there is one thing I know, it’s that community and general radicalism in the U.S. is far more powerful than any political movement or what the media reflects to the rest of the world. From what I have experienced, most decent Americans with half a brain cell are sick of this shit and are incredibly unhappy with the election results. We are also super suspicious of this happening again after what we know about it happening the first time??? So you are not alone. We too feel all that you are feeling and are here to make sure you are kept lifted up and safe.
NOW: what state are you going to uni in? I’m sure we can group together and help you find close and safe resources for all you could possibly need as a woman in these dark times. Some states are harder than others, but hope and possibility are still very very present! And the majority of states still offer and will continue to offer a plethora of resources(particularly and especially in the north east!)!