despite what the lamestream media wants you to believe, summer isn’t over for another week, and what we’re in now is the crust summer—which, much like the crust of a pizza, is an adjunct experience of the whole which is worth savoring in and of itself. and don’t get it twisted, i’m a big autumn boy myself. but, while I’m not huge on core summer, the decrescendo of summer might be second place behind fall.
so don’t jump the gun on pumpkin spices and harvest themes just because the fiscal calendar requires companies to sell you on autumnal parafernalia without consulting the position of the earth relative to the sun. go sit in some grass at sunset and enjoy the temperate weather and listen to ambient music and read a fun novel and have a whole pizza and a bottle of natty wine all to yourself (or something to that effect) and drink up the last saccharine dregs of summer before autumn comes in ernest.