Editing clothing gets me away from digital neuroses and back into the material, unstitching and seeing how something is folded in on itself to function. I discovered this subtle little utensil long ago on a summer internship at a theater company in the Berkshires in the costume shop. I'd trade music recs with the ladies for time spent on the serger (ruining several great t-shirts ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'd scored at a local thrift) but the seam ripper really stuck—and careful because it sure can: ouch! Without context, it's hard to place and intriguing; you find it in an dusty old a drawer wonder what it's used for. Itchy tag? Seam ripper. Dated collar? Seam ripper. Ugly hem? You get the idea. Seam ripper tattoo? Hmmm...