Write down everything you are thankful for…maybe even read it aloud when you are done.
A homeless man gave me this advice, says he does it whenever he wonders why he should keep on living.
My therapist says lil gratitude lists can help with slowing the mind down, perspective, and self-esteem. Unfortunately, she is correct.
Pro tip: Make it a three-point list while drinking a beverage of your choice.
recently going through getting over the love of my life (lol) and i have been trying to do this thing where every time i feel like i am going to be alone for the rest of my life, similar thoughts along those lines and end up just getting really really sad, i make lists. Lists of the things i need to do, i want to do, things i never did before and can do now.
i also remember i was having a bad spell of losing a lot of my things and the breakup hit me during this time so I made a list of all the bad things that happened to sort of complain which is when my friend recommended me to make a list of the good things
so now my favourite list is “good things are always happening to me” which is basically noting down something nice that happened daily and i think that really helps on days that i feel really disappointed and hopeless.
Add to it often — when you see a dog carrying a comically large stick, when a sandwich tastes especially good, when a cute baby waves at you.
Look back at the list in times of despair.
this is worthy of celebration: the lack of video—autoplay video, noisy inane video, panicky video, algorithmic, dumb video, rabbit hole video, any video—on pi.fyi is a good thing