you can have a short hot love affair or find something you love forever. I bought this silly hat in richmond, I bought a bedazzled bracelet in brooklyn just because it went with the specific outfit I was wearing and the guy in the shop was playing super esoteric german electronica from the 70s. will they endure? probably no but hopefully yes.
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Sep 25, 2024

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Around a year ago, I developed a craving for jingling and jangling as I move, so I started passively looking for the type of jewelry that would do this. From there, I set my sights on the necklaces and bracelets made of coins. I find coin jewelry charming and a bit cheesy, the cruise ship equivalent of spoons bent and soldered into rings. I recently picked one up from a very old man selling antiques on Portobello road and have worn it since. It feels a bit bohemian, even the coins around my neck are not (being old American or British currency, I have not looked hard enough to be sure). Because it fits tight around the neck, the coins neither jingle nor jangle when I move, but there is a phantom clanging that does the job.
Mar 27, 2023

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