Sublime, peace inducing, soul repairing, universality, warm hug music - my good friend Matthew Xavier Corrigan reintroduced me to this album hungover in Dublin about 2 months ago and it’s been in my ears ever since
A friend showed me this album 10 years ago and I don't think I’ve had a bout of depression since that I haven't walked around and listened to it in its entirety. But it kind of morphs depending on your mood. It also is a beautiful album for a summer drive. This is like mazzy star bossa nova. For years I thought it was considered a classic orchestral pop album on par with Pet Sounds or What's Going On or any other late 60s album with an emphasis on arrangement, but there's not much info about it online. On Reddit it’s just a couple people talking about how they like the album cover but don’t care for the album. Anyways, I definitely will be adding a few of these songs to my funeral playlist. But don’t wait until I’m dead.
A timeless mellow little album. If you know Buckley, it’s likely from Happy Sad, or Goodbye Hello, (both of which are amazing) but Blue Afternoon has a special place in my heart. It hits a unique crossroads of melancholy and warmth that cant be explained except to say – just listen to the song I Must Have Been Blind.
Issey Miyake collections are always so cool but this one stands out to me for demonstrating how much more fun clothes are with cool prints, which is not always seen on runways. Dries Nan Noten does this really well in his collections with flower prints appearing everywhere.
This is like Kurosawa watching King Lear and then deciding "but what if it was called Kingu Riiru" and make it all Japanese. I love the reinterpretation of the fool in this movie. Overall, it was amazing and looked stunning, though it felt convoluted at times. 4.5/5.