Sublime, peace inducing, soul repairing, universality, warm hug music - my good friend Matthew Xavier Corrigan reintroduced me to this album hungover in Dublin about 2 months ago and it’s been in my ears ever since
Dec 3, 2024

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I know this album cover is imprinted into the corneas of many already. but I’m listening to this ~8 yrs after I first found it, which sort of marked the start of my own self-discovery w music (along with, who else, but velvet underground). and since they are both so huge, I’ve had a hard time listening to them as earnestly in years since. of course relationships with music change, but I think I became embarrassed by the earnestness of this album & its internet overexposure. but it is sincere and beautiful (+ a little freaky and smutty) and it is very special to come back to every now and then. it turns on a certain part of my soul I can’t usually access when I come to it at the right moment. full of love and oneness w humanity, time transcendent “let us lay in the sun and count every beautiful thing we can see”
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The Radio Dept is a band that I feel is severely under appreciated. This album will always hold a special place in my heart. Definitely in my personal top 10. It's like a nice warm hug of Northern European lo-fi reverb-laden goodness. This is also my go-to daytime high album. It's sunshine in sound. Carefree incarnate. Peace, bliss, and fuzz. A good buzz/trip guarantee. Go ahead and give it a try.
Feb 29, 2024

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one of life’s unspoken joys, super satisfying especially when thirsty what better way to stimulate your inner child, we all need that more
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so simple and seemingly common but I have picked up a habit of drinking it almost compulsively and it’s enriched my life in many ways
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