the other day i had a rotten sore throat w/ a quite empty pantry, so i just made a super simple pastina recipe (broth, orzo, parmesan, butter, & pepper) and i'm telling you. it was like magic how much better i felt! i wasn't cured or anything, but i felt leagues better for a few hours :)
Sep 30, 2024

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ok so gargling warm salt water has done wonders for my sore throats in the past! i just microwave or heat up some water in the kettle and then take my salt shaker and shake a lil bit in the cup, then stir. make sure to "close off your throat" before gargling (sounds dumb, but the first time i gargled warm water i choked and it was kinda painful haha). this next thing is really nasty but i swear i have never had a cold that this method couldn't beat. and it works SO QUICKLY. swallowing chopped up, raw, garlic. by the spoonful. I KNOW ITS SO BAD IM SORRY but it works so well (i think bc the garlic is so nasty it just creates a hostile environment in your throat that the virus doesn't like). it helps a lot if you do this before a meal, since then the garlic taste will be gone from your mouth before too long. i usually just take a spoonful or too with water, or pinch my nose while taking it to spare myself the taste. feel better <3
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