lyta gold - writes about issues around media literacy, sometimes rapid-fire reviews, and occasional digressions about star trek becca rothfield - reviews books, writes books, and generally has novel perspectives on a lot of issues that are usually only discussed in inane ways on social media alexandra leaving - the most personal blog-ish of the ones so far, but luckily she is a pretty interesting and funny person. i recommend her weezer article in particular. i have more but in the interest of brevity thought i would end with comrade mdoinurmom's blog generally ambitious, which i just started reading fairly recently but have greatly enjoyed what i've seen so far (btw i basically only read substack through my RSS feed and i recommend y'all do the same)
recommendation image
Oct 1, 2024

Comments (3)

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this genuinely made my day and yeah i took a screenshot that ended up in the family group chat
Oct 2, 2024
mdoinurmom well deserved flex
Oct 2, 2024
i started reading mdoinurmom’s suva stack cause of this and it’s so good, thanks for the rec!
Oct 1, 2024

Related Recs

-Rayne Fisher Quann’s Internet Princess. -As per my last rec, I put Mary Gaitskill’s Out of It. One of my favorite writers. These two do essays, think-pieces,etc. On current events and all things internet: -404 Media: technically not on substack but they’re always talking about stuff no one else covers: 404 Media is a journalist-founded digital media company exploring the ways technology is shaping–and is shaped by–our world. We're focused on investigative reports, longform features, blogs, and scoops about topics including: hacking, cybersecurity, cybercrime, sex, artificial intelligence, consumer rights, surveillance, privacy, and the democratization of the internet. -Taylor Lorenz’s User Mag: A tech and online culture publication by Taylor Lorenz, featuring exclusive reporting, interviews, and insights about the online world. -After School by Casey Lewis: an examination of youth culture. -Postcards by Elle: the only substack you'll ever need. curated recommendations, brain food, and longform essays. (literature + articles + art + film + music + perfumes) -The Crossroads Gazette: Where all roads are open. Essays on art, history, literature, folklore, and life.
Nov 28, 2024
recommendation image
I read way too many substacks — 350 plus subscriptions at last glance. I was reading so many that I started a substack about the interesting things I read. Subscribe for a bi-weekly dose of the finest the net has to offer and stay for the occasional guides to specific subjects. The recommended list to there are some strong examples I read anytime they hit the inbox.
Apr 29, 2024

Top Recs from @dotmatrices

spent the last two weeks working on an interactive guide, recommendations database, and digital library (link depot) to help get people off of social media. the first draft is done now, and it's at the link to this post. it's still very much a work in progress (the library is especially thin atm) - which is why i wanted to share it here before unleashing it upon my IRL friends and the general public. i welcome any and all feedback, bug reports, and suggestions for things to add. i will be pushing updates to it out like a madman in the coming weeks, so be sure to check back every so often to see new additions to the database and library. additionally, i am still on the hunt for newsletters from local venues / community organizations / magazines / newspapers, etc. the only cities i have remotely covered so far are nyc, orlando, denver, brisbane, and little bits of worcester and chicago. if you know anything in your area that fits the bill, send it my way!
Jan 27, 2025
it is your civic duty to mercilessly mock generative ai users as much as possible
Jan 18, 2025
it’s so bad that discourse about it being bad is kind of played out now but it bears repeating how fucking bad it is
Sep 17, 2024