-Rayne Fisher Quann’s Internet Princess. -As per my last rec, I put Mary Gaitskill’s Out of It. One of my favorite writers. These two do essays, think-pieces,etc. On current events and all things internet: -404 Media: technically not on substack but they’re always talking about stuff no one else covers: 404 Media is a journalist-founded digital media company exploring the ways technology is shaping–and is shaped by–our world. We're focused on investigative reports, longform features, blogs, and scoops about topics including: hacking, cybersecurity, cybercrime, sex, artificial intelligence, consumer rights, surveillance, privacy, and the democratization of the internet. -Taylor Lorenz’s User Mag: A tech and online culture publication by Taylor Lorenz, featuring exclusive reporting, interviews, and insights about the online world. -After School by Casey Lewis: an examination of youth culture. -Postcards by Elle: the only substack you'll ever need. curated recommendations, brain food, and longform essays. (literature + articles + art + film + music + perfumes) -The Crossroads Gazette: Where all roads are open. Essays on art, history, literature, folklore, and life.
Nov 28, 2024

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I like people who make lists, recs, give explanations about random stuff and all things internet. I'm very passionate about the type of work of internet archivists and I would describe most of this newsletters as such. Without further ado: The Crossroads Gazette: Where all roads are open. Essays on art, history, literature, folklore, and life. User Mag: a tech and online culture publication by Taylor Lorenz, featuring exclusive reporting, interviews, and insights about the online world. 404 Media: is a journalist-founded digital media company exploring the ways technology is shaping–and is shaped by–our world. We're focused on investigative reports, longform features, blogs, and scoops about topics including: hacking, cybersecurity, cybercrime, sex, artificial intelligence, consumer rights, surveillance, privacy, and the democratization of the internet. Postcards by elle: curated recommendations, brain food, and longform essays. Postcards delivered to you every week. Coco Mocoe: The place to all trends, marketing and pop culture! Garbage Day: a newsletter about having fun online. Deez Links: the original fixations report: recs, reviews, & ruminations on our online quality of life. Nautilus: Nautilus is a different kind of science magazine. Our stories take you into the depths of science and spotlight its ripples in our lives and cultures. Out of It: Mary Gaitskill's newsletter. Notes from outside the consternation machine. After School by Casey Lewis: an examination of youth culture. Ridiculous Little Things: a newsletter about taste and the root of our desires. Ridiculous Little Things is essays, interviews, guides, and recommendations to make us think more deeply about the minutiae. The Dream Baby Press Substack: Dream Baby Press is here to make literature a little more exciting. Join us for The Love/Hate Lists, A Writing Club in Burger King, Writing Prompts, Erotica, and things you'll probably want to share with friends ❀ Internet princess: writing to make you feel crazier & writing to make you feel sane. LES ACTUS DU JOUR: Chaque jour, un rĂ©sumĂ© de l’actu en 5 minutes, clair et efficace ! A compilation of news you can read in five minutes in French. It's helped me improve my vocabulary. They also do YouTube videos in the channel HugoDĂ©crypte - Actus du jour, where they post news in 10 minutes or less as well. French Teacher Carlito: learn French Through Culture Every Sunday Join intermediate learners and get personal stories of life, travel, and experiences across France to practice, progress, and immerse yourself—all for FREE!
Jan 2, 2025
recommendation image
lyta gold - writes about issues around media literacy, sometimes rapid-fire reviews, and occasional digressions about star trek becca rothfield - reviews books, writes books, and generally has novel perspectives on a lot of issues that are usually only discussed in inane ways on social media alexandra leaving - the most personal blog-ish of the ones so far, but luckily she is a pretty interesting and funny person. i recommend her weezer article in particular. i have more but in the interest of brevity thought i would end with pi.fyi comrade mdoinurmom's blog generally ambitious, which i just started reading fairly recently but have greatly enjoyed what i've seen so far (btw i basically only read substack through my RSS feed and i recommend y'all do the same)
Oct 1, 2024
Nobody in Taipei loves me - combines personal writings and food journalism Little Soybean - a travel and food journal that also shares Chinese recipes Forensic Architecture - though it rarely posts when it does it's always so good. Main themes are politics and urban conflicts written by a research group from Goldsmiths University in London Personal Canon - substack about writing, books and personal experiences
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