i might be a little late to this one (the ephemeral and deeply reactive pace of culture is something i’ve always struggled to keep pace with), but i haven’t been able to listen to anything else all week!! that reznor still has the chops to mastermind music that’s every bit as propulsive and vivacious as his output from the nineties is about as revelatory as the film itself — which, in my opinion, indubitably cements luca guadagnino as a genuine giant in contemporary cinema. do your ears a favor and play it loud, but not without treating your eyes to the film first ;P some especially pronounced highlights: - ‘yeah x10’ (crunchy, sleek and catchy — what’s more to love?!) - ‘brutalizer / brutalizer 2’ (so good it shows up twice) - ‘match point’ (the apex of an instantaneously classic motif, and only half as engaging as the climax to which it backdrops!)
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Oct 2, 2024

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