You can get them for £50 online and then you can hack them using a YouTube tutorial or following github instructions (I opt for the YouTube tutorial lol) and the you’ve got unlimited games on the go for commutes and general fun times
Oct 2, 2024

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if you’re technologically literate and played video games when you were you get, you might have an untapped fountain of joy waiting to be discovered under a bed somewhere. consoles that many a gen y/z‘er played in their youth often have a community of people dedicated to cracking their software wide open and making them do things that their manufacturers never intended, like playing pirat— I mean legally acquired game files instead of paying for expensive discs, or enabling mods and developer settings, or even running emulators for other game consoles. My PS2 can emulate an original game boy advance now. why? I’m not sure, but it’s funny. google your consoles name plus homebrew (the name for custom software) or custom firm ware or hack and you’ll find a guide for the unique process people have developed to hack it.
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they're not that old but I’ve recently bought a new charger for my DS and played Sims Urbz to completion for the first time — I love that game sm but had never actually finished it. I’ve played it everywhere recently — on the train, in bed, on the bus, it’s just such a nice portable size I love my Switch but it’s Big and Expensive there’s something really cute about the DS double / touch screen aaaand non-PC Sims graphics are unmatched and the gameplay is so funny (wish they didn’t piss themselves so much tho)
Oct 2, 2024
it's actually really easy and you get games, unlimited games
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