I must have been 8 or 9 when this album came out. I only heard it because an older family friend showed me. It was the first album I ever heard that wasn’t filtered through my parents, and that a cool 13(-ish) year old girl was showing me only made me more fascinated with it. I felt like I was in on something, even if the record ended up going platinum six times over. But the reason I can say it’s my favorite album is that it’s actually good. The songs are catchy and accessible, but not without depth. It has some of Stephan Jenkins trademark cringe (try listening to any other 3EB album and its everywhere), Kevin Cadogan was able to blunt his worst instincts. Listening to it in recent years leaves me with a feeling of aneomia — a strange sort of nostalgia for the life I imagined a cool young adult living in 1997.
Oct 2, 2024

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I actually have a running list of favorite albums that I keep in my phone because usually when somebody asks me what my favorite of anything is, my mind goes completely blank and I forget any media I have ever consumed. This is an easy answer for me though, because I often say that this album imprinted on my little 14 year old soul. In general, I do feel that music from our teenage years sticks with us more than any other time. Probably something to do with where our whole beings are at developmentally. I’m sure someone has already looked into it. This album is such a comfort to me, and feels so much like… me. I got to see the 20th anniversary tour of this album and the Postal Service with my sister and you best believe I cried the entire time.
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1 of 2 albums I can think of at the top of my mind that I listened to in its entirety. This takes me back to that summer in 2013 when I was listening to this album non-stop along w some indie songs I discovered thru 8tracks (I don’t know if anyone else will know this site, it was a gem). Also it was the time of my life I was just getting to know freedom from being able to travel solo and/or w friends or just discovering life. Akin to a coming-of-age movie. 😅 I don’t know if I make sense.
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