love having a mesh zip-up bag in my purse or backpack for the essentials including portable eating utensils, lip balm and gloss, floss sticks in their container, a pen, some pain relievers, stuff to clean my glasses, & some korean no-sebum face powder. outside of that, I have my wallet, keys, headphones, phone, portable charger, and sometimes a book :)
Oct 3, 2024

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• phone wallet keys (PKW - à la Broad City) • a book! • chapstick or glossier lip balm • sometimes my film camera (currently loving my kodak m35) • a pen • wired headphones • extra kf94 mask • folded up baggu bag (for the planet and convenience) • mini bag of the other essentials - bandaids, advil, nail file, tampons, eye drops, hair tie • occasionally/as-needed: weed pen, umbrella, gloves, phone charger, sunscreen, my glasses
Apr 28, 2024
recommendation image
(yesterday bag, i wore brown) it depends on where i go and my body condition but these are always there: oracle deck pens paper wallet makeups (eyeliner as lip liner, lip gloss, blush, my fav miffy lip&cheek) mini comb sunscreen hand cream hand sanitizer tissues gums charger earphones phone in hand (camera, music, books) and glasses on my face cause im -3.5d shortsighted knife it was messy but thanks to this im motivated to clean everything out.
Apr 18, 2024

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love treating my shelves like an indie bookstore! the owner has fantastic taste and everything’s free
Mar 3, 2024
being sincere is in, thinking you’re always the most interesting person in the room is OUT. take the opportunity to learn from this random human you have crossed paths with at the function. make a big impact with a little, casual convo. what are they into? how did they get into their line of work? what did they eat that day? what is their biggest fear? (lol) small talk is only shallow if you let it be. tell someone working in a super busy place that they’re doing great and you hope they get a breather soon. compliment an outfit you like when you see it. tell someone when you notice their beautiful smile. quick interactions =/= insignificant
Mar 4, 2024
very satisfying to prolong the life of things in a world where not very many things are made to last. just applied renovating cream to my blundstones. cleaning my car, sewing up holes or tears in clothing, trimming the wicks of candles, and using slip-on covers for old books fall into this category too
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