An autumnal kitsch has caught me and I’m watching goofy creature features again (I do count Rock Hudson as a creature, because all his men are horrible and delightful)
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I know I’m 1000 years late to the party here… I had friends on Tumblr like ten years ago who loved Rob Zombie but I initially dismissed his body of work and refused to watch any of his films. I already intuitively knew this to be true but this officially marks the point at which I confirm that I definitively have bad taste because I loved this movie. House of 1000 Corpses is a love letter to Texas Chainsaw Massacre and grindhouse cinema, and exists within the thematic subset of horror movies about people on a road trip who find themselves stranded in the worst place imaginable due to vehicular dysfunction—The Hills Have Eyes, House of Wax or Wrong Turn—which I LOVE. Like truly among my favorite concepts. Where I grew up, to get anywhere you would have to drive hours through empty desert with random little creepy houses and old gas stations (both operational and abandoned) littered along the way, and nothing in between. So these kinds of scenarios were like all I could ever imagine as a hysterical demented child. But I love this even more because it’s like okay what if you took those movies and made them more like Off Season by Jack Ketchum which was one of my favorite horror books as a teen (highly recommend if you’re a freak like me) and is so graphic and disturbing and hopeless. (See italicized footnote at the bottom for further thoughts…) But also add in goofy campy characters like a Harley Quinn/Elly May Clampett-type girl who likes to do makeup like Theda Bara and perform Marilyn Monroe songs on stage, her evil brother who looks like Riff Raff, and their mom who is like redneck Jennifer Coolidge played by KAREN BLACK (who slayed btw literally and figuratively). Combine it with a haunted house thrill ride and also make it weirdly hilarious, completely insane, and devoid of taste with absolutely no restraint. But with a hyper-stylized fantastical element that allows you to view the happenings on screen with some amount of remove and enjoy yourself rather than just feeling sickened and low-vibrational. Go off Robert Zombie!!!! (Footnote: All of these stories are based on the legend of the Sawney Bean family which okay blah blah anti-Scottish propaganda by the British—some scholars actually believe in its veracity as a true accounting of events—but like what if??? Wouldn’t that be sooo creepy to be on your horse at night, far away from other people, and come upon a band of inbred roaming cannibals and you have no phones no lights no motorcars not a single luxury and they take you into a damn CAVE. I can believe it happening because Fred and Rose West were unfortunately real. Well anyway if you like the terror that conjured up for you and are interested in its truest modern analogue read Open Season by Jack Ketchum or watch this movie I guess. Thanks for reading if you did)
Oct 27, 2024
-crimson peak, for gothic romance, spooky ghosts and beautiful costumes -nightbreed, for weird demons and cool worldbuilding -oculus, for a mind-bending haunted house trip -house of wax (2005) for a stupid slasher to watch with friends
Oct 2, 2024

Top Recs from @florinegrassenhopper

No screen Sundays. If I want to listen to music its CDs or radio. If I want to watch a movie, no I don’t. If I want to see a friend, I will make plans with them on Friday or Saturday to meet up. As a result, I read more, write more, and sit with questions like “did Citizen Kane‘s 50 year winning streak in the Sight and Sound critics choice survey end in 2012 or 2022? When did Stephen Merritt come out? Whats the etymology of Whitsun?“ This is something that I have practiced off and on for many years but I’ve been doing it every week since December and I love the way that it just allows me one day of true freedom and rest.
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My calendar this year has 52 of these week at a glance pages but I don’t think that way. So, I've been inspired by Ross Gay’s Book of Delighs to start recording the little moments and sensations that bring me joy throughout the day. An analog, if you will. heres some of what I have so far: - Waking up to the sound of my upstairs neighbor‘s footstep. It sounded nostalgic. Felt like company. - Strawberry jam - feeling tender for strangers: their lips, nail colors, their small wrists. Thinking of all the lives we hold gently. - A young girl bought an LP at the bookstore just before I left. She stroked its cover with love - Green tiles —the mint shade always makes me think of Jancie - Charlie’s little bop and punch dancing to some German language punk - lunch with Katherine, curry Brussels sprouts - small talk at the photo studio. The photographer's brother was named after their dad, stole his identity, bought jet skis.