Sometimes it’s nice to make the treats something you don’t have to go out and buy - a sticker you’ve been hesitant to use, a nice snack you’ve been saving - it could even be an activity, like a sewing project you wanted to do some work on But feel guilty about doing if you have other stuff you should be doing. spice it up!
Oct 8, 2024

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When I have to do difficult things, I reward myself with a treat afterwards. (i.e "I have a doctor's appointment but at least I get ice cream afterwards!") Obviously, a treat can also be free. (Reading a chapter from a book you like, taking a walk, chatting with a friend, listening to music, etc.) You can also plan out your outfit the day before. "Everyone is going to be soooooo jealous when I show up in this fit." Depends on if you like clothes like that or not.
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heavily overdone and meme-ified but never underestimate the value of having a little stash of your favourite goodies you can tuck away and then remember about when you least expect it! my favourite part, especially since i tend to forget about them, is remembering i have them, and then being reminded of how when i was picking them out, i was thinking of how future me might need a pick-me up, or might want to share some with a friend to cheer them up. it can make going to the convenience store and buying junk food into an act of self-care and to me i think that that is magical
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of the opinion sweet treats don't have to cost money, activities can be sweet treats if you change your perspective! you've completed an exam, invite friends to sit in the sun and listen to music w you; you're stressed, enjoy cooking an easy comfort meal or taking an indulgent bath, or allow yourself to rest and read a book or watch a movie for an evening w/o feeling guilty about things you have to do, etc.
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