the best show to exist ever. the sopranos of britain. also the fact that the jlb offices were a 5 minute walk from my uni house makes me feel like i could be an extra in the show. every single character adds nuance and depth to thre story of mark and jeremy but are also written amazingly and end up being unforgettable too in their own right, one of the most creative and hilarious shows i probably will ever see in my life.
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i was on it for a few months and i thought it was wack at the time because i found the conversations stale and hard to maintain without having like 2 week gaps in between msgs. butttttt after the first meaningful and fun convo i ever had on hinge, I ended up meeting her the next night - my gf who ive been with ever since! <3. now i like the concept as i think all it takes is one good person and a bit of luck to change ur life through it