Truly an shocking piece of media for a shocking time. Even if it does take great liberty with certain details, many other details can be corroborated and paint a realistic picture of how Trump was shaped by Roy Cohn. I walked out of the cinema feeling disjointed and strange. It's a heartbreaking story that puts in full display the ways in which late stage kleptocracy can mold a person into a monster.
Oct 14, 2024

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This movie left me so profoundly disturbed in a way few other pieces of media have. The premise—to film perpetrators of the mass murder of communists and other groups under the Suharto regime in Indonesia REENACTING their crimes years later (in classic Hollywood style)—at first seems too bizarre to work. The point of the film is that it was only ever going to work. ‘Inspiring’ is actually a good way to describe it: it compels you to look at yourself and your own heart of darkness, not passively but with naked honesty. And what’s chilling and shameful is how watchable it ultimately is. Like nothing I’ve ever seen or will see again.
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