Literally no downsides. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of a few things you‘ll receive when you donate blood:
– a free checkup
– a blood test for various diseases
– free snacks
– an excuse to take it easy
– the tender realization of how wonderful it is that humans can share blood
– a reminder of your own mortality
– a reminder of the mortality of others
– you get the think about how hard your body must be working to make all this blood
And whole time you’re saving lives too!
way easier than you think and very cool to potentially help save the life of a complete stranger. good karma (plus free juice and snack hack).
also feels like a good ritual to feel connected to the realities of your mortal human body. forced to me to take my vitamins and eat my greens before my appointment bc i was eager to pass my iron levels test (i did 💪🥬)
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