First when I was about four I wanted to be a standup comedian, then I wanted to work with Greenpeace, then I wanted to be a novelist, then I wanted to be a Broadway star but I have literally no ability to dance, then I wanted to be a clinical psychologist.
by high school my grades were tanking because I was skipping school a lot and not turning in any work and I saw Cirque du Soleil Quidam and wanted to move to Montreal and be a circus clown despite having no athletic skill.
Then I wanted to be a hand model which is what I would tell my school guidance counselors when they would angrily ask what I was going to do with my life. Would have said a regular model but I’m short so I wanted to be realistic but now I am a hair model (not as a career) so that’s fun. I think I’ve made out pretty well for myself for a girl with no direction…