new Liquid Mike! if you haven’t heard Paul Bunyan’s Slingshot it’s an AOTY contender in the categories ‘Filled With Songs That Just Rip’ and ‘Drivin’ Music’. For fans of indie rock/power pop à la Guided By Voices and Weezer.
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Oct 18, 2024

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I haven’t heard someone have a neutral take on this album (except pitchfork, ever the hipsters and perfectly on brand for reviewing this), people seem to either despise it for its hypercynical meta-satire, perfectly poised to deflect any possible criticism thrown at it, or love it. Though I largely agree with what the haters are saying, I end up falling into the latter camp. I fucking love this project, both from an intellectual and from a basic standpoint, flanking the naysayers at both sides of the bell curve meme. “Meme” — that’s the headline of this project. C&W’s 90s-indebted breakbeat pop chugs along with Weezery guitar riffs and droll narration, only broken up by random (in the xD sense of the word) meme snippets. This may sound torturous, but something about the way they weave these brainrot vine compilation samples through their tracks is really special. I want to compare it to John Oswald’s Plunderphonic manifesto, where he (Im probably misphrasing) argues for utilising highly recognisable microsamples in experimental music, because the feeling of fleeting recognition is a powerful one unique to that technique. But also it’s just fucking funny! But I won’t give any spoilers as it feels like explaining a YLYL challenge before you watch it. As for the actual content, I will maybe come back to write about this later. There are some really great (and not so great) reviews online about this project, which I highly recommend checking out, as well as the surrounding discourse. AOTY. bring back tinymixtapes
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did not expect to catch a bunch of Italian punk bands from Como in the middle of England last night - but it was a dream. And a reminder of the fucking strange, beautiful nature of music, and the organic networks of community that blossom from picking up instruments and starting a band. East Anglia has a p strong punk/hardcore/everything adjacent scene and a couple of old heads started a regular all-day gig - East Angrier. These heads had supported a band in Italy and they promised to return the favour. So here they were, flooding the bar by early evening with sweat, angst, charm and frenetic bursts of Italian as they ordered pints of Guinness. Pictured is The Forest Calling, who took the roof off the place 🇮🇹
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