fast fashion is pushing our planet into the trash, why would you pay attention? don't follow the brands, and don't follow influencers who seriously promote the brands. buy vintage. find people who each think for themselves, and appreciate them for the way they explore their own style, and not as platonic ideals you need to imitate.
Oct 22, 2024

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In the years of 2020-2023, I was in my early 20s and very much in between aesthetics. I hated the clothes I wore, and was looking for new ways to express myself through my fashion. With the seemingly never slowing down trend cycle that was going at the speed of light at that time, and my tiny paychecks, I basically solely relied on Shein to allow me some freedom and creativity with my style. For a few years, I was stuck in the repeated cycle of ordering 50+ cheap items, and then donating 10-20 of them within the same year, and repeating that again when I would get bored of what I had. I would go thrifting too to try and "balance out" my fast fashion endeavors, but would end up buying more things that I hated by the time I got home. I could not figure out how to make any of these items work with my wardrobe, regardless if they were new or used. This reckless consumerism taught me absolutely nothing about my sense of style. I had to figure out the hard way that style is not something you acquire overnight, and that you cannot always rely on trends to find items you will like for a lifetime. Fast fashion has done nothing but taught us to cycle through clothing at a rate where no one can keep up, and has left many of us in a place where we are only satisfied with how we dress for no longer than a few months at a time. Discovering your personal style is one of the things that should take time. I'm 25 now, and I find it very important to source good quality items that I know will be a staple in my wardrobe for a long long time. I've decided that if I want to buy new clothing, I will get most of my new clothes from thrift/vintage shops and boutiques (online or in person). I haven't completely shuttered out fast fashion, though. I only buy items that I am able to try on in person to make sure it is made with good material (aka: the plain $10 Walmart zip-up hoodies that feel like butter). By embracing a slower approach to finding my personal style, I've found quite a few key items that I really love to wear over the past two years, and in turn I have greatly reduced the amount of clothing that gets donated. I am still learning how to accessorize, and am trying my best to utilize as much of my existing closet as possible. It is a journey! I can't wait to see where my more sustainable approach to a style journey brings me! QUALITY > QUANTITY
Feb 12, 2025
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allocating more than just a few pinterest ideas and aesthetics in order to curate a style that youā€™re confident in will make you stand out. whether you think thatā€™s a good or bad thing, by ā€œstand outā€ i mean people catch a glimpse of you and immediately know who you are based on how you dress. thereā€™s nothing wrong with going with a trend if you like it, but itā€™s so painful to see people consume for the sake of consumption. i mean thatā€™s a concept for a whole other rec in itself, but what iā€™m trying to get at is you donā€™t need to constantly use outfit inspo pics for outfit inspo. seek your surroundings, ponder your past, think about yourself as a piece of art, which you ultimately are. donā€™t avoid wearing the statement piece that a stranger would find weird, theyā€™re probably just pissy. dress the fuck up on days you donā€™t need to just for the hell of it. and remember, donā€™t get discouraged if the first ā€œcrazyā€ fit you throw on looks like shit. it takes time to make art! and if you feel comfortable and beautiful in simpler articles, and youā€™re not into anything too bold or loud, still make it your look. art doesnā€™t have to be complex, but make each choice have purpose. why choose one blank white tee over another? is it a specific hue of white? does it compliment other features of your outfit? is it comfy as fuck? show that to people and make them know itā€™s you. you donā€™t need to dress to impress, but god if you bought that shirt only because your favorite influencer promoted it, or even worse if you bought it just because it was on a sale rack, youā€˜re disrespecting your canvas! itā€™s like pissing on a van gogh oil paintingā€“ it might look amazing but you canā€™t help but think about the fact that thereā€™s piss on it. that brings me to probably the most widespread concern of consumers: cost. yes, higher quality products are going to cost more. itā€™s difficult in such a dense place like SoCal(where iā€™m from) to find cheap ANYTHING. i split a dozen dumplings for $20 the other day with a friend and i swear i couldā€™ve called 911 on this food-influencer-aimed ā€œchineseā€ restaurant for highway robbery. food was pretty good tho canā€™t lie. however, that doesnā€™t mean that itā€™s impossible to find incredible clothing from staple secondhand stores like Goodwill. several friends of mine have landed at their unique styles that can be associated directly to them, and their closets are mostly filled with Goodwill Bins finds. ā€œohhhh the Bins are so dirtyyy eewwwwā€ yeah if you canā€™t dig through some used clothing for a while donā€™t complain about not being able to afford those $600 shitstained acne jeans. i mightā€™ve gotten a little personal with that. lmk your thoughts on fashion and what it means to you! you know what fuck it just wear sweatpants a sweatshirt and flip flops lifeā€™s not that serious
Oct 1, 2024
All of these points fall into the same category- itā€™s almost second nature to buy as a result of consumerism without recognizing the greater consequence. There is so much more reward when buying clothes with intention. šŸ‘ŽšŸ½ Following micro-trends. Get your own style. šŸ‘ŽšŸ½ Synthetic Fibers and poisonous dyes. Always good to check the tag first. šŸ‘ŽšŸ½ Ripping off small designers. self explanatory.
Jan 23, 2025

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I feel like this place isn't about people but about recommendations, right? forget the influencer, forget the individual, just browse and talk about cool shit and whoever says something good, that's good. that's what I liked about reddit, back when I actually liked reddit. I haven't found many people I want to follow, and I'm not really looking.
Mar 3, 2024
I've been enjoying new clothes, and experimenting them with fun ways, so much lately that I need to keep reminding myself of this. Not every excursion outside needs to be fresh and new and experimental. If I am going out and I need a warm sweater and I need my sneakers and I already have a fit in mind with those pieces, I can just wear it, I don't need to reinvent the wheel every time.
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