I watched this Australian coming-of-age indie drama on a flight and cried so much that one of the flight attendants came to check on me. Heart-wrenching in the best way possible. Itā€™s everything John Green hoped ā€œThe fault in our startsā€ would be, but is not.
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Oct 22, 2024

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I knew I was going to love this movie just because of the concept and the fact that itā€™s Kieran culkin and Jesse eisenberg but right now itā€™s the morning after I saw it and Iā€™m sitting in bed crying thinking about certain things different characters but especially David, Jesse eisenbergs character said Iā€™ll tear up at a movie every once in a while but this movie really hit me because it is so relevant to how im feeling recently like literally every element of David and Benjis (Kieran culkin) emotional characteristics and their relationship with each other is relevant My aunt passed away in September and I have been weirdly impacted by it since then and I have been working on controlling anxiety and depression for four years now with minimal progress and those two things, (Davidā€™s OCD and anxiety/Benjiā€™s grief) are essentially what lead David and Benji to take this trip together so as we learn more and more about their relationship with each other and their personalities themselves it kept getting more and more personal to an almost unbelievable degree Theres a point where something happens and David sort of opens up and what he says about not actually being okay but just presenting that heā€™s okay because he takes his medication and runs and meditates and goes to work then comes home then does it all again that really really hit me It is such a perfect blend of funny but also deeply serious and emotional so even if itā€™s not as relevant to you right now I think everyone should see this movie
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just an absolutely beautiful coming of age movie that more people need to see. plus points for the thick Aussie accents. 4/5
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Itā€™s in theaters right now!! It deals with the complicated relationship between 2 cousins with opposite personalities as they go on a tour of their grandmotherā€™s hometown in Poland. I saw it earlier this year at Sundance and cried like a baby, itā€™s a really beautiful movie that hits hard if you have a sibling or relative youā€™re close with
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Top Recs from @aldisued

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Youā€™ve heard of figs and goat cheese. But Stilton Blue Cheese and pear is really where itā€™s at. An elite combo. Best enjoyed with a crisp glas of Lugana white wine, solving a 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle with an old Family Guy episode playing on your laptop as background white noise and your phone fully charged to start commenting on ex-coworkers stories on instagram once the wine hits. Not speaking from personal experience here.
Oct 22, 2024
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As an avid Papaya aficionada, Iā€™m here to tell you that if you havenā€™t tried papaya seeds, you are indeed missing out. Not only are the seeds edible, theyā€™re apparently beneficial and get rid of parasites in our gut (this info might be sponsored by Instagram health guru brain rot). Slice a papaya in half, douse it in fresh lime juice and leave half the seeds inside ā€“ the best way to enjoy a spoonful of greatness.
Oct 22, 2024
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Iā€™m starting an official petition to bring back 80s style gated reverb drums. I was (deliberately) running late for work this morning when ā€œMagic Danceā€ by David Bowie started playing on my phone and let me tell you that I felt my spirit leave my body and deep existential bliss on my morning commute for the first time when the first drums hit. Highly recommend.
Oct 24, 2024