Inspired by the rec from omgitscarols about letting go of things but not replacing them, I got rid of ten things today. Felt great.
Maybe it should become a daily habit.
I’ve gotten rid of so much stuff over the last month and it feels fantastic
By default, I (we?) add things into my life — so I see the need to be in a constant state of vigilant editing
I personally don’t do this, but I aspire to one day.
What is it about getting rid of old underwear that feels so difficult? Maybe it’s my scarcity mindset. I might need them someday!! Or, it could be that I feel quite sad about parting with an object that has worked so hard to protect my most precious bits. How could I throw something away that I have been intimately acquainted with for so long? I’m not sure, but I bet it’s freeing to release yourself from that bond.
Definitely let me know how this goes if you ever give it a try!
Being an Asian person, I'm a hoarder. It's hard for me to throw away things because I tend to think about the memories incorporated with those and maybe I can use 'em in the future. I'm a teacher so I have lots and lots of papers in my storage boxes.
But yesterday and today something happened. I finally decided to throw away around 50% of papers that I keep since 2013 (yup since I was in college). It's not perfect but hey a change is a change.
Honestly it made me feel good. I thought that I was able to move forward and let go of burdens that I should not be carrying anymore.
It's fun so I recommend it.
this is worthy of celebration: the lack of video—autoplay video, noisy inane video, panicky video, algorithmic, dumb video, rabbit hole video, any video—on is a good thing