I’ve gotten rid of so much stuff over the last month and it feels fantastic
By default, I (we?) add things into my life — so I see the need to be in a constant state of vigilant editing
loooooove getting rid of things i don’t use anymore………was borderline a hoarder for most of my life, but something shifted recently and i just wanna get rid of things…….a little tasteful clutter is nice, i’m by no means a minimalist, but i think i just reached a point where my things were overwhelming me instead of comforting me. doing my best now to crack down and get rid of anything that’s just collecting dust
Inspired by the rec from omgitscarols about letting go of things but not replacing them, I got rid of ten things today. Felt great.
Maybe it should become a daily habit.
this is worthy of celebration: the lack of video—autoplay video, noisy inane video, panicky video, algorithmic, dumb video, rabbit hole video, any video—on pi.fyi is a good thing