1) Find a used GameBoy or NintendoDS on E-bay
2) Find a used copy of your favorite old school Pokémon game (my favorite is Emerald)
3) Combine these two things to create the perfect travel companion
4) Get on a train (or a plane or an automobile)
5) Boot it on up and watch the time disappear
6) Get too invested in the game and decide to stay on the train past your stop
8) Move somewhere farther away from work so you have more time to play Pokémon on the train
9) Announce your Pokémon achievements to your fellow passengers
10) Become known as the “Pokémon Person Of The L Train”
7) ???
8) Profit!
took a spontaneous trip to see the new alien movie today
ive never been to see a horror movie alone at the cinema before so it felt all the more immersive for me, would recommend going to get scared alone even if you’re a scaredy-cat like me :)