I sometimes enjoy utilizing my own anxieties of being watched to A positive end… if you record a Timelapse of yourself cleaning your room then (a) you cannot check your phone, (b) you will clean your room faster and (c) you now have a silly artifact of this moment in time. this works for any task !
Have been on a timelapse bender with my roommate and I's puzzles and man. Great way to make yourself smile. : ) Feels like using the seemingly infinite features of the iPhone for good
filmed myself doing laundry at a random laundromat near Bass Lake a few months ago. idk why I enjoy having a video of this so much but I do , nice lil timestamp of life
Get a cheap point and shoot and just record little corners of your life. Revel in the quotidian beauty of it all. Enjoy where you are right now, and let these photos serve as a tender reflection of where you have been and how far you have come
Gazpacho only in the late summer, persimmons only in the winter, etc. just because we can import anything from anywhere anytime doesn’t mean we should. Nothing is special if you can have it whenever you want it.