i was far too busy getting completely obliterated to do so in my early 20s. (do not recommend.) but the experience of doing schoolwork now feels like it did as a little kid. you know.. before puberty knocked me awake to the reality of my shitty home life, which caused a haze of depression to fall over me. in my single digit years i remember being so excited to do school work, and feeling so proud of myself when i did well. im getting a taste of that again. i never lost the exhilarating feeling i got from gaining knowledge that truly excites me. but itā€™s a beautiful new kinda thing with the added clarity gained from not being ripped on weed 24/7 and the added confidence gained from surviving the shit hand that was given to me as a kid. hang in there šŸ•Šļø
Oct 28, 2024

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im a hardcore people pleaser. when i started getting into heroin heavily i noticed how when i was on the bus i was able to assert myself and be rude to people who deserved it. the compulsion to be a walking punching bag was something i loathed about myself. i was always the first to apologize when someone else bumped into me. it was humiliating, but i couldnā€™t stop it without dope. eventually i found myself unable to financially maintain a 6 bag a day habit. i got on methadone. train rides into manhattan became unbearable as i sunk back into sycophantic hysteria. i could no longer advocate for myself when a creep sat across the aisle staring at me for 10 stops. i gazed at my phone, unable to look away for a second in case i accidentally made eye contact with yet another creep who wouldnā€™t leave me alone. so i started taking xanax. like heroin, it allowed me to slip into bitchiness easily. iā€™ll save you all the whining about how awful heroin and xanax addiction was. itā€™s obvious why using drugs to be a bitch isnā€™t sustainable. it took a long time but i quit xanax and got off methadone. a little over a year ago i cut out the last three mind altering substances in my daily rotation. in a fresh state of clarity, i found myself right back where i was ten years prior.. being a doormat to assholes on public transportation. getting high definitely allowed me to be the bitch i always wanted to be. but (in my authentic corny ass overly earnest fashion) i have found my life to be more full by accepting myself and dealing with who i really am. using drugs to put me in bitch mode didnā€™t make me that bitch. the yearning for acceptance just festered deeper and deeper inside of my core. iā€™m still working on my people pleasing ways, one interaction at a time. i guess itā€™s something that iā€™ll always have to fight. but i feel so much stronger facing my flaws with a clear mind. i continue to be the first to apologize when someone bumps into me on the bus. itā€™s ok though. slowly i am gaining the ability to advocate for myself when it really matters. without being a bitch.
Jul 22, 2024