Sometimes you think that you'll never be anything great because what you wish you were is already someone or something else, and you can’t explain it, but it feels weirdly good. I guess it takes the pressure off somehow and that allows for experimentation and failure, and all of those things that make people people. This movie is that for me, I think. I’m nothing. It’s everything. I love it.
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Oct 30, 2024

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The main character in this movie wants to be an artist, someone creative who expresses himself freely. But the responsibility and the world around him make him wear a mask, hiding who he really is sometimes, I also feel like I’m wearing a mask, pretending to be someone I’m not, just to fit in. It's a great movie, i usually can't watch something again becoz i already know the plot but this movie i did watch couple of times.
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There’s something sooooo lovely about playlists. Like, I think all of us, deep down, are scared of disappearing forever and well, these might be, so far, the only things of mine I want to stick around for people to remember me by, after I turn to little specks of dust forever. It’s so lovely. Truly. I love that someone might be listening to songs I think about when I think of them. I love that I get to go deep inside my mess of a mindscape with my little headphones on. I love when someone shares a bit of their souls via other people’s pieces of soul. It’s so lovely. Anyway, here’s my fall playlist.
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