stop letting the arbitrary rules of when it’s acceptable to eat certain foods dictate your life. i used to live my life waiting for it to be a suitable time to cook what i already knew in my heart i wanted immediately. eat a burger at 10:30 am because you feel like it. wake up hungover and have a bowl of noodles immediately. drink matcha in the evening. make pancakes at 3 pm who’s stopping you? enlightenment is waiting for you if you do this. i’m freer than i have ever been.
Nov 5, 2024

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Food is one of the worst things for you. For most of the summer, I was having a large smoothie with whey protein isolate, egg yolks, powdered coconut oil, and frozen berries. Only for the past several days (I’m recovering from SARS COV-2) have I abandoned this highly caloric, insulin-bomb of a breakfast, replacing it with cold water, creatine, and powdered coconut oil, blended. You wouldn’t believe how much sharper I feel mentally, how much less hungry I am all morning, my neighbors have stopped complaining about my outbursts… the list goes on and on.  Oh, but back to food being bad for you. I really do think eating a ton of food is one of the worst things for you. You can read about this in my book, in which the protagonist, in an attempt to gain weight and become physically more imposing, starts eating a ton of food, and his quality of life suffers greatly. It’s a really clever commentary on masculinity and “improvement culture” in general, actually. You should read it.  I too have gone through periods of regimented physical activity (lifting weights) and eating large quantities of food, and it always leaves me feeling terrible, physically and mentally. Lately I’ve started eating huge portions of vegetables again (bag of Brussels sprouts, bag broccoli, two large zucchini) in the middle of the day and it’s been working out really nicely for me. Skin cleared up, mind feels sharp, face looks more chiseled and handsome, it’s been great.  You (the reader) should probably eat less food, just like, statistically, most people eat too much. I know that might not be true for the target audience of this newsletter, so if you have an eating disorder then you should eat a little bit more (but not too much too fast), but most people should eat less food and replace some of the food they’re already eating with more vegetables. They’ll experience great benefits from eating their first meal as a large bowl of vegetables with ghee around 2pm. 
Oct 7, 2024
sounds so stupidly obvious, of course you have to eat everyday your body is biologically programmed to consume something everyday it’s how you are alive etc. etc. etc. but i more so mean, food is a right it is your right to be fed
Sep 25, 2024
most of the beautiful women i know and women who i have found myself in awe of or looked up to are women who love to eat anytime i meet a beautiful woman and think ah isn't she beautiful she is always eating and encouraging me to eat so this what i have learnt and realised as of late maybe if we want to be beautiful and live beautifully then we should eat when we are hungry

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Nov 21, 2024
i've been making strawberry matcha like everyday i don't use a syrup tho i just put the matcha in strawberry milk n its delicious.
Nov 4, 2024
i had a collection of mubi notebooks. they publish them twice a year. it’s a great read if you’re interested in film. unfortunately they’re all gone now because of the eaton fire but hopefully ill be able to buy the old ones online somewhere.
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