i usually start with ordering delivery food. that way i don't need to cook and i also need to get out of bed to take it from the courier.
in the waiting time i take a quick shower, brush my teeth and thinking about what tasks and deadlines i have at the moment and which of them are more important.
then i have breakfast and put something on the background to watch, usually it is "The Big Bang Theory" or "Brooklyn 99". I've watched them a million times so i won't be deeply interested but i also have something that kills the silence and don't make me go back into my head. I also take my meds and mark this in my tracker
Then i open my work tools, starting with Notion and Figma. I'm planning the day, all tasks that have to be done on laptop and another that require to go outside. If i can't make myself do any work, i turn on Britney Spears — Work Bitch. It usually helps but if i still can't do work, I'm doing anything else. I'm finding references for projects, planning the rest of the week, sending CV to different positions, all that kind of stuff. Or if i have time, i put on some nice clothes and go to work outside at the cafe or library.
In the evening i have supper, clean up the mess i little bit and go to bed.
The trick is to do everything like a robot, just get into routine with the empty head. It always helps me to get things done