okay i am not a crazy wilderness person so the times i’ve done this have been in the safety of a camp ground with a nearby landline and surrounded by many responsible people BUT it’s my favorite opportunity to be phoneless. and! you have a decent excuse to not answer people for 4 days straight xx connect with natuuutreeee maaaann the most recent trip i went on was in the most beautiful location and i don’t have a single photo to prove it because my phone was out of charge in the car and that is a beautiful thing if you really think about it it
Nov 7, 2024

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i once broke my phone and due to unforeseen circumstances I wasn’t able to get a new one for a couple weeks so I was forced to take time without it, and to be honest, it was beautiful! its nice to say “ah my phone wasn’t on me / my phone was broken so I couldn’t respond.“ since then I’ve done some time intentionally leaving my phone at home when I leave to have a bit of solace and experience the world around me for a moment without needing headphones in or checking notifications constantly. great stuff!!
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i just spent 2 weeks with fully no phone. phone addiction comes back quick but it was a great experience. recommend making time/planning to do it, or to just do it spontaneously like break your phone, like me. get a notebook, a pen get really into packing your bag so you always have things to entertain u enjoy waking up to the sound of birds if you dont make time to do it, you will have a phone with you till the day you die, or the collapse of society strips it from you.
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recent mental health booster I stumbled onto when my phone ended up dead one morning, so I went to a cafe near me to journal/read for a couple hours without it. there were so many times I phantom reached for my it like the addict I am, very glad I couldn’t that day or else stupid things would have been done. I was forced to sit in the moment and process my thoughts without being able to actively do anything or contact anyone. did it the next day purposely and I had such a good day. leave your phone at home sometimes when you’re bumming around your area doing small errands! also forces you to learn your surroundings rather than relying on google maps.
Jan 30, 2025

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